All are welcome to become members of the Nova Scotia Schooner Association. Yearly membership fees help support the activities of the Association and our work to further promote the association and its mandate. Membership also entitles you to attend all Association events, to receive and contribute to our newsletter, the SCOON, and to participate on committees. But most importantly, you will have the chance to meet with like-minded individuals who support the tradition of Nova Scotia Schooners and their importance to the heritage and culture of our province… and to have fun doing it!
There are two membership types, Full and Senior members.
Full Members are those persons wishing to help preserve and maintain an interest in schooner-rigged vessels in Nova Scotia, whose application has been approved by the Executive and whose dues are paid. Full members are welcome to attend all meetings and events, sit on committees, hold office, and may vote on all Association business except racing matters and constitutional changes.
Senior Members are those Full Members who are owners of schooner-rigged vessels qualified to race with the Association, who reside in or maintain their vessels in Nova Scotia. If you are a schooner owner and are interested in becoming a full member, please contact our Commodore at [email protected].
There are two membership types, Full and Senior members.
Full Members are those persons wishing to help preserve and maintain an interest in schooner-rigged vessels in Nova Scotia, whose application has been approved by the Executive and whose dues are paid. Full members are welcome to attend all meetings and events, sit on committees, hold office, and may vote on all Association business except racing matters and constitutional changes.
Senior Members are those Full Members who are owners of schooner-rigged vessels qualified to race with the Association, who reside in or maintain their vessels in Nova Scotia. If you are a schooner owner and are interested in becoming a full member, please contact our Commodore at [email protected].
Dues may be paid online or by cheque payable to The Nova Scotia Schooner Association.
Send postal payments to:
Nev Layton, Treasurer Nova Scotia Schooner Association 88 Hollow Road Branch Thorburn, NS B0K 1W0 |
Our dues are now $30 for Full Members and $35 for Senior members.
Donations and payments can be made by using the Donate button. Please be sure to specify what your payment is for.