
The first Nova Scotia Schooner Championship was held on July 25, 1961 in Hubbards Cove, Nova Scotia. The event was an enormous success with 11 schooners taking part. During the first schooner meeting, the skippers gathered aboard the beautiful 1905 Tancook Island Schooner ADARE, where the Nova Scotia Schooner Association was formed to further interest in and preservation of Nova Scotia Schooners and all schooner rigged vessels and to hold Schooner Races in Nova Scotian waters at least once each year to determine the Nova Scotian Schooner Championship.
The object of the Association is
The Constitution and By-Laws of the Association are available here.
- To preserve, maintain and further interest in Nova Scotia schooners of all types, i.e. vessels built in the Province, fore and aft rigged with two or more masts, the forward mast being no taller than the rear mast(s).
- In co‐operation with the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic and the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, to collect all possible information on Nova Scotia schooners: their designers, builders, owners, lines, histories, pictures, etc.
- To hold Schooner races in Nova Scotia waters at least once each year to determine the Nova Scotia Schooner Championship.
- To stimulate the design and construction of schooner‐rigged vessels in the Province of Nova Scotia.
- To improve the facilities for yachts and sailors in Nova Scotia.
The Constitution and By-Laws of the Association are available here.